All About Pins – How To Maximize Your Pins' Trading Value

All About Pins – How To Maximize Your Pins' Trading Value

At the big game, you want your team's pins to be the ones everybody else wants to trade for, right? At Trading Pins Direct, we're all about pins, so we...

Rick Cundiff

At the big game, you want your team's pins to be the ones everybody else wants to trade for, right? At Trading Pins Direct, we're all about pins, so we can help with a few fast tips that will maximize the value of your team's custom trading pins!
Start with your trading pin design. You want a pin that really represents your team's winning spirit. Talk to the graphic designers at your chosen pin provider. They can help you create a team logo, or tweak your existing one to make it the most attractive that it can be to traders. Think about the colors in your design, and the options on your pins (more on this later.)
Consider pin size. If your budget allows, go bigger. All other things being equal, bigger pins have more trading value than small one. But that doesn't mean your team's trading pins have to be huge. A great design will trade well, no matter what size it is.
Think about your pin colors. Big, bright, bold colors are the best when your design is all about pins. Talk to a graphic artist about making your pins really “pop” visually with color.
What about options? They add eye-catching details, and a good pin supplier can work with just about any budget to boost your pins' trading power. Glitter enamel, for example, adds richness, sparkle and depth to your pin design at very little added cost.
Danglers, spinners and bobble heads add motion and a “play” factor to your pins. Traders love to see those valuable extras that make any pin more interesting. Want a real “wow factor” look? Add LEDs to give your mascot blinking eyes!
Remember, it's important to order your trading pins as early in the season as possible. The peak of the youth baseball season is also all about pins. With so many teams ordering pins around the world, the manufacturing facilities get backed up worldwide. The longer you wait to order, the more risk you run of not being able to get your team's pins in time for the big tournament. Don't risk missing out on great looking pins – order early!
Having said that, if you discover late in the season that your team made the tournament, don't despair. Some trading pin providers, including Trading Pins Direct, can do rush orders of custom pins. Your size, shape and option choices will be limited, but we will be able to get pins to you quickly.
Another alternative is stock pins. These can be shipped directly from a pin provider's warehouse to you, and can often even be shipped to your tournament hotel. They won't be customized for your team, but they will prevent the disappointment of your players not having anything to trade at the big game.
A great pin supplier is your ally in your quest for the best pins and the best value. Count on a trusted provider such as Trading Pins Direct for all your custom trading pin needs!

Rick Cundiff

Rick Cundiff

Content Director, Blogger

Rick Cundiff spent 15 years as a newspaper journalist before joining TJM Promos. He has been researching and writing about promotional products for more than 10 years. He believes in the Oxford comma, eradicating the word "utilize," and Santa Claus.